The Story Behind the Marshmallow Shooter

The other day I was googling the Internet around 12:20 am for balloon information, and I came across a blog that had a link to my YouTube patriotic rib instructions. I explored the site and thought it was one of the most fantastic websites that I have seen in a long time. The website is a how-to site that uses cartoons to illustrate the instructions. One of their how-to cartoons was on making a marshmallow shooter. I sent an email to the site owner complementing them on a neat layout and asked some questions about the how too’s. That night my mind started working, and I thought how cool it would be to make a marshmallow shooter out of balloons. So the next day, I sat down and created the step-by-step balloon instructions on how to make a marshmallow shooter. But I couldn’t just stop there. What’s the fun of making a marshmallow shooter that doesn’t launch marshmallows? So here is a video on how to make an accurate firing marshmallow shooter.

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1 thought on “The Story Behind the Marshmallow Shooter”

  1. Looks like a fun game to play with 7+ age group. How long does it take to make fresh marshmallows stale? Do they keep once they’re stale?

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