The Balloon Color Pallet Dilemma

Balloon Colors

What balloon colors should an entertainer carry? Overwhelmed with balloon colors, the entertainer struggles to figure out which balloons they should buy and why would they use that color? That’s the question many beginners and some veterans of balloon entertaining ask themselves. Let’s jump in a time machine and go back to April of 1986, … Read more

Which balloons are better Betallatex and Qualatex?

wrestling meme

Top 3 Questions Asked by Beginner Balloon Entertainers Part two of three. Here is the second most popular question asked by new balloon entertainers. Editors Notes: This article was originally posted on Nov 13, 2013, revamped and updated for accuracy. Question: Which balloons are better, Betallatex or Qualatex? Answer: There are two major balloon manufacturers, … Read more

Mouth Inflating

I’m giving part of me away in the balloon animal The images travel around the internet, people sharing and emailing them to friends, families, and colleagues.  Business people see these funny little pictures and wonder how they can make something that goes viral?  Going viral is something that you cannot produce. It just happens—kind of … Read more

Cheap Balloons Make Kids Cry

Why are my balloons breaking? Once a month, I will have a person ask me, “Are those special balloons? I bought a kit at the local book store and the balloons kept breaking.” The dozen or so balloons that come in pre-package kits are cheap balloons.  Book producers need to keep the production cost to … Read more

Twisting Balloons are as versatile as Duct tape

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Ask any professional balloon entertainer if they have every used a twisting balloon to repair something and you will get a “Yes”.  Twisting balloons, which main purposes is for twisting balloon animals, have adapted to many other uses. While performing, the brass nozzle connected to my electric balloon pump became lose.  I grabbed a twisting … Read more