Super Mario Brothers Games

Bring Mario to a Birthday Party

This past month, I had a request from a client to bring a Super Mario Brothers character, Mario, to a birthday party.  I typically don’t do this because of the logistics of performing several birthday party shows a weekend and worry about breaking or deflating before it gets to the client. However, this was one of the few occasions I did it, and everything turned out fine.  The birthday child was ecstatic with the Mario figure, plus I made a Mario Balloon Hat created by Sean McDaniel.

The Mario took about an hour to build. It was not because it took that long – I kept trying new designs and finally returned to my original concept. I tried three different body styles, but none had the look I wanted.  This is another reason I don’t deliver balloon figures. I’m too critical of my work and waste more time screwing around with new techniques than using the ones I have mastered.

Now, for those of you who will tell me, “Keep working on the new techniques,” there is a time and a place to do that, and for me, it’s never while I’m contracted to build a balloon sculpture.  I prefer to only experiment with designs when people are not paying me to create.  This way, I know exactly how to repair the design if something should go wrong.

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1 thought on “Super Mario Brothers Games”

  1. Im looking for a Piranha Plant, could you make a youtube how to video or show a picture of it here on your blog, im willing to pay for it, i wish you were more local so i could hire you, but i would really appreciate your help. thanks

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