For over 10-years I have been performing at Night of Remembers for Little Company of Mary Hospital. Each year Pastor Peg gathers families that have lost a relative for a night of remembrance and bonding. Each year Frank Bridsall and I bring a little cheer to this special occasion.
This past week I have had two deaths in the family, which dampers the holiday festivities. Yet in every serious moment, there is a glimmer of life. I would like to share that moment with you.
After placing Uncle Jimmy’s casket into the hearse, I walk back to my car and sat in the passage seat. Seated behind me was Carter who is five. This was not his first funeral he has attended, but with each one, he gets a little more inquisitive. Both my wife and I feel it is important that our children know their family and teach them about life and death. We sat quietly, waiting for the funeral procession to start. Carter’s voice broke the silence. “Mom, is Uncle Jimmy in that car?” “Yes”, Michelle and I replied almost together. I think both of us knew what the next question was going to be – and mentally we were gathering words on how to explain a commentary to an inquisitive 5-year old. Then the question came, “Mommy, if Uncle Jimmy wakes up – will he be a Zombie?”
When your heart is at its heaviest, look for those moments that will make peeing in our pants with laughter ok, it breaks the sorrow.
That was on Monday’s funeral – Friday was the second funeral for my cousin and right across from the cemetery was a sign for a bar that read “Fee beer, topless server, false advertising outside”. Life is a roller coaster of emotions – enjoy it – that is what life’s about.