How do you measure your success? Bob, a good friend of mine, wanted to know why I still stepped on the scale. I have been doing the P90, P90M, P90X, and P90X+ workout for over two years. I lost the grizzle, dropped two pants sizes, and once every two weeks I check the scale to see if I hit my target weight. “You know muscle weighs more than fat”, Bob says.
Bob’s right, muscle weighs more, but I need a goal to keep me motivated. I use the same technique in balloon entertaining. I could measure my success by how many balloon figures I make or how fast I can make them. However, like the scale that keeps me in check, I look at the quality of the figures I make. Why have 10-15 balloon dogs, when all you really need is one great dog? Having more balloons than anybody in the room does not make you a better balloon entertainer, it makes for a latex hoarder.
I have studied my balloon designs and can tell you which ones “wow” an audience and those which need improvements to meet my high standards. I do not judge my success by the number of balloons used or speed, but by the quality of the design. That is what motivates me to keep improving, perfecting, and modifying.
The scale may be the enemy to some, but without a goal, I could have called my transformation a success and quit before reaching my full potential.