Sidewiki a Secrete SEO Tool – I think so.
This is not my normal blog posting about balloon animals, but I have many entertainers wanting to know how to rank better in the search engines. I am not an “SEO Specialist”, but I own and am still building a balloon entertainers website for over 12 years, which exceeds 1 GB in size and ranks very well in Google. I started way before Web 2.0 and had to work on gaining good content and making sure my site is the best web site it can be. I recently came across a new Google tool, Sidewiki that just may be one of those tools that sets me apart from my competition.
When I read that Google released Sidewiki it peaked my interest. Sidewiki is a new program by Google release September 23, 2009, which allows Google users to leave comments about a website. Now this is the first program to do this, but considering Google is the king of search engines and has thousands, if not millions of toolbars installed. We can assume that it will be around for a long time.
I have learned from a SEO specialist that you need good back links and good contents to have a high ranked website. But what happens when two companies have the same page ranking?
Let us think about it for a moment… two major competing newspapers having thousands of links and great content may have very little that separate them in rankings. On the opposite end, two brand new websites, with no content — so what can Google use as a tiebreaker element to make one web site better than the other?
We know Google uses some 200 factors to calculate PR, but we don’t know the exact formula. That is a trade secret.
Mathematically, with all the millions of websites in Google, two websites have to be rated exactly the same. Now, I do not know how Google decides which website posts first. This can be critical for companies that are positioned at the top of page two of Google search and would like to make it to the front page. Google could simply post these companies alphabetically or just maybe, maybe… Google would check their own internal applications to see what company has the most current information. It is not as if Google will go out to third party software to make a decision, so why not assume that Google will use its own applications as the tiebreaker.
Why do I think this?
I have a programming background and part of a programmers training is to write code that checks for errors or the unusual. Two sites with exactly the same SEO and PR must have a tiebreaker. Logic tells me, Google would use its own application to be the tiebreaker. It may not carry much weight in the formula, but it just may be the extra little bump you need to rank higher than your competitor.
Therefore, my gut feeling and years of SEO researching, tells me that Google will use Sidewikie in their ranking formula. Now, it may not be in the formula today, but I am betting it will be. So it is critical that you at least claim your website front page. It’s not hard, simply download and install Sidewiki, than go to your website and click on the little box on the right and fill out the box. Once you have done that, come back to and say something nice about me for giving you this tip.
If you want to share it with your Facebook friends, click on the Share in Sidewiki and send them this blog post. Why not help somebody else with their website.
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I read somewhere that the true Google Pagerank value is actually a multi-digit number on a very large scale (in the millions) and not actually on a 0 to 10 scale as shown on the google toolbar. If this is the case, its logical to think that ‘tie breaker’ situations will rarely occur. I’d think it would be logical for them to index the sidewiki content and use it to influence rankings at some level though.
nice share, thank you
I imagine that the sidewiki will be a ranking factor, but it’s probably way, way down on the list of importance. As we don’t know for sure if it does or does not influence SEO, until we know otherwise, its probably not a good use of anyone’s time trying to optimise a website using this. Instead, they could be using that time to target factors that we do know will influence SEO. Targeting the right keywords, using those keywords in meta tags, titles and URLs, bulking the site up with keyword related content and getting good quality incoming links are the keys to SEO success.
No Twitter marketing!? What’s with you man!
I think it will be more important in terms of customer clicks than search rankings, customers will narrow their search to two or three sites, and may use reviews from other people to finalize their decision as to who to purchase from.