Evaluation of Self

Planning 2013No matter what professional sports team you follow, at the end of the year, ever owner, GM, coach  evaluates their results.  The goal is simple – to improve and be better than the year previous.  I would love to compare myself to the great business minds who with great diligence make calculated business moves and don’t give it a second thought. I on the other hand question, worry, and lose interest in the goal.  Sometimes staying the course is harder then coming up with a new vision to chase.

I can easily blame the economy, bad website, or lack of good luck, but, in reality, it falls on my shoulders. Failure can only happen because I failed to execute and firing myself is the not the solution. This forces me to evaluate what I did last year and how I can improve what to do this year.

For several years now, I have been studying my calendar, looking for patterns, and looking for steady economic environment.  Yes, what happens in the politics does affect my wallet, but not to the point that I cannot afford to pay my bills and have a good meal with the family periodically.  So, I will not let the current economic environment prevents me from planning a profitable year.  Besides, if Walmart can project higher profits next year, why can’t I.

This week, I am going to plan for first quarte next year and give myself some goals.  These are not hard fix goals, but goals to get me motivated to move.  Every business success story I have ever read has taught me that people who are in perpetual forward motion make the biggest gains.  They may spin in circles and ricochet around a bit as they move forward, but with every circle data is gathered, learned, and processed, making them a stronger force to deal with as they processed.

I am evaluating my business this week and planning next year. What are you doing to succeed?

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