Do you deserve a tip?

This person here is an excellent tipper.

In the underbelly of the balloon entertainer’s world, community stories are told about the unappreciative customer who does not reward an entertainer at a restaurant for bringing joy and delight to the children at their table. The patron accepts the balloon offering and either neglects or does not care to further the Arts by rewarding the entertainer with a monetary offering. These people can be perceived as the takers in life.

The patrons may ask themselves, “Does this individual deserve a tip?”.  I did not seek out their entertainment nor do I expect something from them. So why should they expect a tip from me?

Let me put a twist on this discussion; if you were in a group/tribe/community, and actively contributing on a regular basis, and you freely gave away knowledge, would not a monetary tip be a good way to show appreciation?

When you help a person move, they may buy you dinner. It may only be pizza and beer, but it is something. Yet in the digital world, people click the “Like”, or say “Thanks” in the comment box, but is that not similar to the restaurant customer who avoids tipping?
If the information were entertaining, enlightening, or you actively searched would you feel obligated to contribute? Recently, I went to the John G Shedd Aquarium with my family. Inside the building are containers asking you to make a donation. However, this is not a free event; there is a fee to be educated, enlightened and to view the aquatic life.

Tipping every person you meet can put you into bankruptcy, yet I have known people who tip a server for every beer brought to the table.

I guess there are some jobs in life where a tip is just assumed and others where a tip jar must be presented to remind people to give. I can assure you, today, opening day of MLB; ballpark concession stands have a drinking cup with the word “TIPS” on it.

Nobody ever gets rich off of tips, but I have to admit they are fun to get. So, in spite of this article, I try an experiment to see if people will give a tip, click “Like”, or just walk on by.


6 thoughts on “Do you deserve a tip?”

  1. I understand about the processing fees & administration costs, but telling people not to tip you anything LESS than $5 is definitely a turn-off. I feel it discourages people from wanting to tip you anything at all.

  2. tips are a fickle thing yes they are great to get however thoughts that enter my head when i only get a buck after making say Don Caldwells octopus is, do they not understand the value of what i just gave them or do they realize i am being paid by the restaurant and this is a bonus.
    my own personal preference is to not work a restaurant for tips only.
    the question i have is if you are being paid by the restaurant and yet still have a tip button or a jar and you actively pushing for tips when they ask how much for a birthday party will you look to be worth that in their eyes??

  3. Mike, tips are give based on a percentage of a sale. If the information is free, how do you establish a price? I could say that each blog is $5.00 and there are 564 post at that rate a 10% tip would be $282.00. Nobody is going to tip that, but $5.00 is not unfair. After all you have to establish a starting price, otherwise nobody would get paid in life.

  4. Preston, my assumption is your working for base pay + tips.

    If you got the birthday party by doing a restaurant gig which they seen you do a Don Caldwells octopus, do you send Don anything or Pioneer Balloons a thank you for them printing the instructions in Q Magazine? Why does the gratification stop, that’s what I talking about.

  5. One thing I do, is take an old plastic peanut butter jar…clean it out, cut a hole in the lid, then I took several one dollar and five dollar bills, placed them in a pile on my printer, printed it out, then took the resulting picture, taped it on the inside of my jar so that it looks like several $1 & $5 bills were being placed into the jar already. Don’t make the money go to the top of the jar. It’s a suggestion, then I carry it either on my suspenders or leave it on my table top. I don’t have to suggest tips, the jar does the suggesting for me. If I spend a lot of time at one particular table, it usually pays off, and I get either a $5 or $10 tip. I do however get those who will only throw their lose change into the jar, but hey, it all adds up at the end of the day.

  6. I am not in the balloon/table hopping world, but as a street performer, I try to make it clear early in my show that I work for tips. At the end of the show, I give the spiel. Recently, I’ve even been remarking how I wish I could work for free, but I have bills. Not everybody gives, and I forgive that.
    I have shied away in the past from captive-audience shows: descending on a terrace café and say, “stop what you’re doing and look at me!”

    If you’re paid by the establishment, you should not expect (but be available to receive) a tip. If you’re not paid by the establishment, you’d have to be slightly more (subtly) aggressive about informing them you’re working ONLY for tips. Humor’s a great salve in that case. “I’m not paid by Giorgio’s management to do this.” (look over shoulder obviously and lean in) “they don’t even know I’m here.”

    Personally, I don’t want someone to come to my table uninvited and then expect me to pay them, but I don’t have kids. I’m sure there’s value in the 3 minutes of “magic” brought into their lives till the balloon pops and they’re shrieking like a stuck pig with a hangnail.

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