One Eye’s Rule the Movies This Summer

Balloon Minion and Monsters Inc

This summer, two new movies are coming out, Monsters University and Despicable Me 2. In both movies, there are characters that I enjoy making, both of which have only one eye. Over the years, I have seen blockbuster movies come and go, but it is the movies that people buy and repeatedly watch that generate … Read more

Let There Be Light

Light on a balloon bag

Its 9:00 pm, the sun set an hour ago, and the Wisconsin’s state bird, the mosquito is buzzing about. Standing in the dark, swatting mosquitoes, exhausted from a four-hour twist fest, and the remaining kids in line still want a balloon. I only do a couple of these events each year that has me working … Read more

How to Build Followers and Get More Subscribers

Arrow with people

Over the years, I have learned that there is no quick way to build a fan base. You can try spamming everyone in the industry to “Like” your page, ask them to subscribe, beg them to follow, or just ask them to participate in a discussion, but human nature holds them back. Years ago, I read a marketing study … Read more

Making A Connection

Dale Obrochta Fish

I received good feedback from last week’s post about mobile phone apps, which sparked two phone calls asking questions, making me happy that people enjoy what I write. I have connected with them in some weird way, be it because of my love for balloon entertaining, my wacky sense of humor, or just because I have been willing to put … Read more

Outside Looking In Can Solve Your Problems

This week, I have been listing to an audio book about creativity and how it develops in the mind. The focus is not just the right brain processing, but how the right and left-brain have to work as a team to produce the ideas. I have learned that when we relax we become the most … Read more

Creativity – Balloon Entertainers Perspective

Improvisation comes from being highly confident and skilled in your craft that no matter what occurs you can adapt and overcome without hesitation – without thinking. With improvisation comes creativity. When great improvisation occurs the audience feels it, the entertainer just accepts it and rolls with it. And when the entertainer is asked about the … Read more

Balloon Entertainer Designs C.R.A.P.

CRAP Banner

The Muse runneth amuck and has guided my hands throughout my career.  I will twist a figure, look at it from different angles, and realize it is crap.  But the Muse is not finished with me; they guide me to try again with a different size, color, and shape.  With each twist, my mind spurs … Read more

Slow Ride and Taking it Easy in January

January is the 1st month of the years when business is the slowest and there is nothing but time. Time to clean the office, develop new marketing material, update pictures on website, plan new ventures, catch up on reading, and did I mention hangout with the family. I am in my “slow rider mode” to … Read more