How To Reuse Old Balloon Figures For New Movie Sequels

Balloon Animals - DVD

Movie Sequels 2019 Reshaping the Balloon Twisting Industry From the new Avengers: Endgame to Aladdin, balloon artists worldwide are twisting up new and improved designs from years past. 2019 is the year of sequels, remakes, reboots, prequels, and spin-offs. Hollywood has 14 movies coming, with a potential of six more hitting the big screen this year. … Read more

How To Get Bigger Tips

Magical Balloon-dude Dale

Thirty years entertaining and I’m still tweaking how to get people to dig deep into their pockets and pull out cash. I use a tip badge, comedic banter along with a clear tip bag showing people I’m more than willing to take their disposable money for the exchange of a balloon animal. I recently read … Read more

A TEDx Talk That Exposes The Truth About People

Dale Obrochta on TEDx Stage

Exposing Myself with Balloons Have you ever mentally planned out a meeting in your head and when it happens it’s nothing like you expected?  Well, that is what happened to me.  In August, I reached out to a TEDx producer, who I worked with before, and pitched him an idea.  The idea was based on … Read more

Plainfield Park District, Week of the Young Child, closes on April 15th with Balloon Show.

Balloon Show Art of Inflation

Dale ObrochtaMagical Balloon-dude DaleTel. (708) Plainfield Park District addresses the needs of young children and their families with a special weeklong program. Orland Hills, March 15th, 2016: Plainfield Park District is closing its weeklong celebration, Week of the Young Child (WOYC), with the professional balloon show Art of Inflation. The Family Fun Night is … Read more


Balloon Show Art of Inflation at Palos Heights Library

Comedy, Art, Music and Balloons in One Show Public libraries are struggling to get kids to participate in programs. Palos Heights library is working to overcome this problem. Orland Hills, March 7th, 2016: Palos Heights Library will be hosting a free for all ages balloon show, Art of Inflation, on Saturday, March 19th. This special … Read more

Mind Mapping “AWESOME”

Dale Obrochta

It bugs me when I see the same message posted or tweeted over and over again on a friend’s social media site because they have associated all the sites together. As a result, I’ve mind mapped my social media tweets and post to ensure I don’t spam my followers. The concept of mind mapping was … Read more

Entertainer Creates Awesome TEDxNaperville Stage

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

The room goes black at TEDxNaperville and there in glowing neon balloons is the cryptic word “awesome”. Balloon entertainer Dale Obrochta has visually mind mapped Jill Shargaa’s presentation, “ Please, Please, People, Let’s Put the Awe Back in Awesome” out of twisting balloons. “This was a first for any TED/TEDx talk”, says TEDxNaperville producer Arthur … Read more

Manage the Skill and Let Others Reinvent the Wheel

Balloon Entertainment, Artists, and Entertainer

If it has not happened, it will shortly. The list of things children will never know, use, or experience. It’s a part of life as the world and technology change. I remember when a phone was just a phone attached to the wall with a cord. A word processor was a typewriter, and if you … Read more

Deco-Twisting Soaring, While Helium is Depleting

Balloon Decorations for a Wedding

In 1998, my wedding hall was filled with balloon table toppers, arches, and decorative displays, all floating majestically in the air. That was 1998. Now, in 2013, the price of helium has skyrocketed as producers interrupted distribution of helium production. Horror stories abound of balloon decorators searching five state areas searching for the precious gas … Read more

3 Facebook Groups You Should Know About

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Specialized Balloon Facebook Groups Over the past few months, I have seen an increase in specialty groups for the balloon industry on Facebook. The three newest groups are the Deco-Twister Balloon Artists, Hairbanders!, and Line Twisting. Deco-Twister Balloon Artists focuses on decorating with twisting balloons. This field has grown over the past three years because of … Read more