Onsite Giveaways

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Onsite giveaways. What’s it all about? Where can you get some? What do they do for you? Onsite giveaways are anything that isn’t expected, contracted, or implied. They are surprises for the people who got you to the event, the people who went the extra mile and pushed you to their clients. You know–the producers, … Read more

Why Hire A Professional Face Painter?

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Face Painting is one of those professions that gives the appearance to many that “anyone can do it.”  That isn’t strictly true.  Yes, most people, if they choose, can learn to face paint, but being a professional face painter means that you are a business person providing a personal service. Many groups get volunteers to … Read more

How to Make a Pencile out of Balloon Animals

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

This is a silly little pencil. It is great for a back to school type theme! Inflate the tip of a pink 360 about 1 to 2 inches. Fully inflate a Marigold or a Goldenrod 360 leaving about a 1″ tip. Tie the pink 360 on the nozzle end of the body of the pencil. … Read more

Recap of Day Eight: 100 Articles in October

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

It is hard to believe, that day eight has come and gone and day nine is quickly upon us.  On day eight, I learned that Life is Twitterific: Twitter and how to effectively use it for traffic. This is good for me because I want more corporate entertainment and will need to Own a Conference … Read more

Building a Show Pt 3

Build a Show PT 3

Theming a Show – Part 3 (The Day of the Showcase) “To entertain for the purpose of temporarily taking someone from their cares and worries in the world is noble…but to recognize an entertainer’s ability to REACH an audience and UTILIZE that gift for an educational purpose…holds FAR greater value”                                 Jimmy Leo The Day of … Read more

Life is Twitterific: Twitter and how to effectively use it for traffic.

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Maybe you have been living in a hole and havn’t seen Twitter yet, but if your in the real world you have heard of this GIANT of Web2.0. Twitter is a powerhouse of content. With it you can track ongoing trends worldwide. You can use resources to find localized people who are potential clients. You … Read more

Restaurant Work: Learning from the Hard Knox

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Working in a restaurant will present you with numerous challenges as a performer. By writing down what happened at your event, you can improve yourself as an entertainer. Though this is true at any event, my experience has shown restaurants to be the most enlightening. Recently I had a restaurant gig where I had a … Read more

Christ on the Cross Pt2

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

This is the continuation of Christ on the Cross Twist ten ½-1 inch bubbles. Connect at the first and tenth joints. Ear-twist the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th bubbles (Marked X). Divide the 5th and 7th ear twists in half. Pop the 6th bubble. Twist two 3 inch bubbles, two ½-1` inch bubbles, one 3 … Read more