This article will explain the best use for QR codes for entertainers, why and how I use a QR code, and provide you with ways to get more testimonials, pictures, and client contact information.
In 2014, I put my first QR code on a business card, and I did this for two reasons. First, it seemed easy to open up a QR code app, scan the QR code, and click the link, and some four steps later, you arrived at a website. As simple as I thought this process, I forgot that I’m a computer geek, and few people took the time to download a QR reader.
The second problem I was trying to overcome was my website was not mobile-friendly, and Google was promoting a mobile-friendly website for free. In my mind, this was a perfect solution to drive more traffic to a mobile website. Overall, it was a failure.
Fast forward to the present day.
I’m attending my son’s volleyball game, and as I walk into the school, I see a monitor promoting upcoming activities. There, on the screen, are QR codes.
After dining on Chinese food that evening, I sit at the kitchen table. I tear open the fortune cookie to read my fortune, and I see this on the back of the fortune cookie.
After that, I realized that QR codes were here to stay. No longer are they a fad, as restaurants now have QR codes on their table. There is no menu, just a QR code saying, “Scan for a menu.” Businesses have embraced QR codes, and you can see them in various advertisements around retail stores and products.
Why Should Entertainers Use a QR Code?
The popularity and ease of use are why entertainers should use QR codes. The advancement of smartphone cameras no longer requires QR code readers. As Androids and iPhones have QR readers built into the camera.
The popularity of QR codes started with the Covid-19 pandemic, and the uncertainty of how the virus spread forced businesses to create a way to share information hands-free. The QR code was the solution to accessing data quickly as it requires no typing, just a smartphone scanning an image. Restaurants, stores, and TV stations now promote the scanning of QR codes. A new generation has now grown up with these codes in their daily activities,
Electronic payment systems like Venmo, Paypal, and Zelle encourage people to use QR codes for payments. Go to a gas station, and you see QR codes to pay, as cash is no longer the preferred way of payment.
If you’re going to share information with a customer, and mobile devices are the leading form of communication, you need to have a QR code on your marketing material.
How Do You Get A QR Code?
There are many free QR code generators, and Google Chrome provides you with one with the Chrome browser.
- Chrome Web Browser**
- QRCode Monkey
- QR Code Generator
- Flowcode
** If you use the Chrome web browser, go to a website, right-click your mouse, and select Create QR Code. It’s that easy.
How I’m I Using the QR Code for Entertainment?
Like most good entertainers, I hear praise from clients, guests, and onlookers. The difficulty in getting a testimonial is that you have to capture the comment, and it is not convenient most of the time for the client.
The solution is to remove the crocodile brain. Crocodile brain refers to a marketing concept where a customer must perform a task. However, the required steps for a customer to do before completing a task must be simple and requires the customer to use very little brain energy thinking about how to do the process. If I make a process difficult, too many steps, or require extra mental energy to complete the task, the individual’s likelihood of completing the process decreases.
The QR code overcomes this problem as it is easy, as people are now familiar with QR codes and use them regularly. Removed from the equation is the mental energy of which app to open along with typing out an email or phone number, which requires a lot of mental energy to ensure the data entered is correct. All this mental energy needed before completing the task of sending me information is now removed.
When people praise me, I say, “Hey, there is a QR code on my business card; scan it and leave a comment. Nowadays, my website is mobile-friendly, and the QR code takes them to a special landing page. On the page are buttons, and the first one says, “Take Action, Leave a Review.” When clicked, it takes them to a form where I can now capture their testimonial.
Getting Pictures from a Client
Have you ever had a client take a picture? You think to yourself, “I wish I could get a copy?” The problem starts now, as they need a contact number to send you the image. Again this is where my QR code comes in handy.
A picture is taken. I say, “Do you mind sharing it? All you do is scan this QR code and press the button that says,” Text Dale.” With one click of a button, their text opens. They attach the photo and hit send. Done.
Here are pictures that have been sent to me, and I brand and post them to my social media sites.
Data Capture and Relationship Building
A mentor of mine, Barry, says, “An emailing list of 10,000 people is better than an MBA degree”. See, Barry understands the power of a following. If people text me a picture, I can now direct them to my Instagram page. If they emailed me, I might send them to my Facebook page.
There were times, days later, I sent them a message asking, “Is the balloon still alive?” This small dialog opens up a communication channel, which builds a relationship. From there, I can let them know where and when I appear at a restaurant, and if in the neighborhood, stop by and say, “Hi.”
Final Thoughts
QR code for entertainers is a must-have. As you can see, major advertisers are using them. The public is now accustomed to a QR codes, and smartphones have adapted the technology, making it more straightforward for the consumer to use.
If you’re looking for faster pay, better tips, and increased testimonials or allowing customers to share information quickly, the QR code is the tool to achieve these goals.
Share in the comments below how you use your QR code or things you have seen that have a QR code. Your comment might help another business owner or me.