How To Avoid Distractions And Grow A Balloon Entertainment Business

The balloon entertainment business is more than fun and games, its a business.

I am constantly gathering data, studying it, and learning from it while making permanent changes to improve my business.   The story behind this is that I have learned to keep good records.  Once every month, I study what and where my business is going.  I look for patterns and try to project new levels for the following month.  I found managing my entertainment business was not difficult.  Yes, I can spend hours each week learning a new balloon figure, but not knowing where and when I would get a chance to make it seems senseless.


Nowadays, my whiteboard directs my daily activities and gives me guidance on the ever so distracting world. Each year I feed my hunger for more productive business knowledge like I feed my cravings for deep dish pizza — regularly.

Knowledge is power. Power allows me to control my destiny. Having control over my destiny makes for fun.  Fun… that’s what makes it exciting and gets me out of bed every morning.

How To Avoid Distractions And Grow A Balloon Entertainment Business
Article Name
How To Avoid Distractions And Grow A Balloon Entertainment Business
A brief look at how to self evacuate your balloon business and see patterns and adust to gain time, profit, and experience.
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Balloon Animals Blog
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3 thoughts on “How To Avoid Distractions And Grow A Balloon Entertainment Business”

  1. The business habit is probably more healthy than the deep-dish pizza, however, living in Chicago, I think you’re making a good choice. Good article, Dale. If more entertainers would put 10% more into their business they’d see 50% improvement in their bottom line. I hope this article motivates even one person to do it.

  2. The business habit is probably more healthy than the deep-dish pizza, however, living in Chicago, I think you’re making a good choice. Good article, Dale. If more entertainers would put 10% more into their business they’d see 50% improvement in their bottom line. I hope this article motivates even one person to do it.

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