Balloon Animal Instructions – Airplane

KIDS  BALLOONING with Magical Balloon-dude Dale

Caution: Balloons are fun toys but can be dangerous like all toys…Would you mind making sure small children do not chew balloons or have access to broken bits? We want all our kids to grow healthy and happy. I ask you to be responsible like a professional balloonist. Adult supervision is recommended.

The first trick to making a balloon animal is to blow up the balloon. This is hard. You can buy a hand pump or use a football pump to help blow up the balloons. Do not blow the balloon up all the way… you only need 1/2 a balloon.

Carefully tie the balloon. When twisting a balloon, always start at the end with the knot. Do not worry, it will not break if you twist it, but you must hold on to both ends of the balloon. Otherwise, the balloon will untwist. The balloon will not stay twisted by itself. You have to twist the balloon together.

Balloon Animals – Airplane

Step 1–Blow up the balloon three-quarters of the way.

Step 2–Start at the beginning with the knot and twist a 3 to 3 1/2-inch bubble or 4 or 6 fingers wide. Make sure you hang on to both ends of the balloon. Otherwise, it will untwist. Twist it around 2 or 3 times. Do not worry. It will not break. Why didn’t it break? There is space at the end of the balloon for the extra air. That is why we only blow the balloon up halfway.  

Step 3–While holding on to the twisted balloon, make a bubble 4 to 5 fingers in size. This will be the top side of the wing. Do not let go.

Step 4–Make another balloon bubble the same size. This is the bottom side of the wing. Look at the picture.

How to make an airplane out of balloon animals

Step 5–Twist balloon joints A & B together twist 2 or 4 times all the way around. The balloon will not break, and they will stay together.

How to make an airplane out of balloon animals

If yours looks like this, very good; if not, try it again. Practice makes perfect.

Step 6–Now, repeat steps 3-5 to finish the wings of the airplane.

how to make an balloon animal airplane

Does it look like this?  

Step 7–The body of the airplane will be 4 to 5 fingers wide. To make the tail wings of the airplane, make 2 – 2 1/2 inch bubbles.   These are made just like the wings, except they are smaller.  You will create a top and bottom tail wing.  The tail wings are twisted into the body of the airplane.  Once finished with one tail wing, make the other side the same way.

how to make an airplane out of a balloon animal

The leftover balloon is used for the airplane’s tail; twist the tail up between the tail wings.  It should look like the views below,

balloon animal instruction how to make an airplane

Top View

How to make a balloon airplane out of twisting balloons.

Side View

Balloon Animal Instructions
Article Name
Balloon Animal Instructions
Learn how to make a balloon animal airplane with step-by-step instructions from Magical Balloon-dude Dale. Balloon instructions are written for kids making it easy to follow and understand.
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Balloon Animal Blog
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