National Geographic recently contracted me to work for their vendor’s kid’s party, and they placed me by a colorful balloon display sign that was 4′ x 8′ tall, which I thought read Balloon Animals. I did not pay much more attention to the sign until a little later, when I really stopped and read the sign. It read “Animaloons.”
In talking with one of the marketing reps — she said, “the name Animaloons was thought up in a brainstorming session, and we wanted to have a name for each entertainment station.”
I found this personally amusing because earlier in the month, the agent contacted me and wanted to know my availability to work the National Geographic event in NY. If I couldn’t, could I recommend somebody? I recommend my friend Adam out of the New York area, and guess what his website is… I found it amusing because I had to work next to that sign all day.
Are they alowed to do that? Animaloons® is a registered trademark
Hi Adam
I would inform them, that they forgot to place the trademark logo after the word Animalloos. If they were using this as a public advertising tool for an event then yes I would suggest that you talk to someone. But consider this… they hired you, so using your Animaloons name is a representation of you.