Mbd2.com is working with ten professional entertainers to create 100 Articles in October in just 10 Days. “I set a lofty goal for myself,” says Dale Obrochta, owner of mbd2.com. “For me, it’s not the writing of the articles that will be difficult, but finding ten professionals who have the time, background knowledge, and willingness to participate in an aggressive writing project like this.”
Dale, who has been writing articles and new blog posts, was working on improving his writing skills for several years when he stumbled across a group of writers whose ambitious goal was to write 100 articles in 100 days.
“I thought about trying to accomplish that writing goal, but with the arrival of our second child, I figured the time conflicts would be too great,” said Dale. The idea never left his mind, and in August of 2009, he modified the concept to 10 writers doing ten articles.
Dale is seeking out all types of professional entertainers to participate in this project. “I’ve learned over the years that networking with entertainers outside my industry helps me grow in my career. After all, this is a business, and like all businesses, we have to advertise, generate marketing material and hone our craft to become the best at what we do. Other entertainers can bring to the table their own unique experiences, knowledge, and contacts to the benefit of others. For example, who’s to say that a magician in the UK doesn’t have a marketing strategy that will work here for my business?” he asked.
“The unveiling of the articles is going to happen in true ‘marketing’ fashion,” said Dale. On October 10 at 10:00 am, the first article of 10 will be posted in Dale’s Blog. Over the next 90 minutes, one article will be posted every 10 minutes. This process continues for ten days straight. On October 20, 2009 at 11:40 a.m. CMT, 100 articles will have been posted.
Each article will allow readers to post comments, ask questions, and provide relevant content to these articles. “I am hoping to open the entertainment community up to some interesting conversations and hope to see readers supporting these writers by participating in the dialog and visiting their websites,” said Dale.
To help readers become familiar with the writers, Holly Nagel, writer of the mbd2.com Spotlight section, will be presenting a biography of each writer day before October 10. “I would like to get things going by September 30 by realizing the first biography on a writer. My goal is to release one bio each day before the unveiling date of October 10. Thus, giving 110 articles total,” says Dale
Marketing for the project will encompass all of the mbd2.com resources and more. Announcements about the 100 articles will be broadcast in the mbd2.com newsletter, which has over 3,000 followers; to some 800 of Dale’s Facebook friends; to 250 blog readers; and promoted by the entertainers writing the articles.
“I hope my friends in the industry will use their Facebook and MySpace friends, newsletters, blogs, and help me spread the word about this project,” said Dale.
Dale is still on the quest to secure writers for this project, and if you are interested in participating in the 100 articles in October, don’t hesitate to get in touch with him.
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