An astute understanding of your audience makes for better entertainment.
Being a balloon entertainer is more than having the technical skills for twisting a balloon; it requires an astute understanding of the audience your entertaining. I like to think of it as profiling an audience. It is safe to bet that boys like blue and girls like pink, at least the majority of kids do. Which brings me to his Halloween tip – I’ve been studying kids for several Halloween seasons and have concluded that 7-10-year-olds (boy and girls) are the group that likes vampires, while younger and older kids go for the pumpkins and ghost.
Now, I would have thought it would have been the 12-16-year-old girls into vampires because of the recent movies but, strangely enough, they’re more likely to request a pumpkin. I would recommend a balloon entertainer to have three or four good pumpkin designs to wow an audience. Having a variety in your repertoire shows the audience’s creativity that they may not have seen in other balloon entertainers.
So, if you come across a group of kids between 7-10 and its Halloween, make them a Dracula and you’ll be the coolest balloon person they’ve seen all year.
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